Friday, January 27, 2017

Deeds of Darkness Exposed

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." Eph 5:11-13 NIV

It is not in anyone's best interest to consider that they might involve themselves in any deeds of darkness and keep it a secret. The truth will come to light eventually. Even as the deeds of darkness are being considered the truth is often known to the people around them. Those who live in the light know when the evil one approaches to secretly do harm. No, they may not be able to prove it; but, they will know it.

I have been asked on many occasions throughout my life when dark secrets are finally brought into the light: "How did you know?" I can and many others can know, as well, because we have lived many years. Some of that darkness we have entered into ourselves in our younger years. We have been there, done that, don't want to go there again, and we don't want you to go there, either. We have witnessed the lies before and we have seen the devastation that has come from the fruitless deeds done in secret. These fruitless deeds of darkness are not something new to us or to the world. Sin came into the world long before any of us. It has been around since the beginning of time. We have seen it and some of us have learned from it.

Those who know the Word of God can usually recognize the difference between good and evil. We can usually know the difference between the darkness and light; although the devil will attempt to fool us disguised as an angel of light. St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians to be aware of those who masquerade as Christians. "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. (2 Cor 11:13-15)

Paul warns us to be aware and because he does we know that it is possible to be able to discern whether the light that we see is a masquerade or if it is the true light, who is Jesus the Christ, abiding in others as well as ourselves.

It is said that darkness does not actually exist; that darkness is merely the absence of light. If the abiding light of Christ does not shine through you; then, there is only darkness. There is nothing but an empty shell striving to be filled with something. That striving often leads us into even darker places where we would very wise to avoid at all costs.

The deeds of darkness are destructive not only to oneself; but, to all whom we think we might care about or love. Compounded they are destructive to the world.

It can be most difficult to step out into the light where your deeds might be known by others. It might be embarrassing. But, the consequences will last only for a short while as those who walk in the light have eternal life! 

May God help you to see the light and enter into His precious presence for all of eternity. Live life!

God's Peace - Pr. J

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