Friday, June 14, 2019

Fiery Plagues

Rev 9:13-21 KJV

The sixth trumpet sounds and what is this army that God sends that it would have no impact on the hearts of humankind? John sees a powerful image of hundreds of thousands of mounted troops to destroy one third of mankind by three plagues of fire that come out of the mouths of the horses. What a fearsome site that would be! 

Now, most people have a little fear of fire or at least a little respect of it. Once burned by fire, it would be wise to learn from that lesson and play games with fire. We change the way we do things so that we do not get burned again. But everyone learns. Not everyone in John's vision learned. The plagues of fire that God sends do not change the hearts or minds of any of those who were not believers before the great army of mounted riders came. Those who are not killed still cannot comprehend that God is Almighty; that He is God, and He alone is to be worshiped. They do not repent. They continue to worship demons and all sorts of false man-made idols. They do not repent of any of the things they have been doing to disrespect and sin against God or humankind. 

May God open our hearts and minds so that we can comprehend that once burned we ought to quit playing around so we do not get burned. 

God's Peace - Pr. J

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