Monday, June 24, 2019

The Spirit Moves!

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. (Psalm 51:10-12 KJV)

The Holy Spirit was busy moving! Yesterday, I worshiped at Zion Lutheran, Skanee, MI in the morning and then at the Word and Song Festival at Bethany Lutheran, Covington, MI. I have to admit I really didn't feel like attending two services yesterday; but, I went anyway and I am so glad that I did. The Holy Spirit was busy moving! The music was outstanding as everyone sang as if they meant it and from knowing the people, I am quite sure that they did. There were guest preachers at both services and both proclaimed the Good News. Being Lutheran they also reminded us why we need the Gospel. It is because we are sinners. We fall short. We are pretty ungrateful children and turn our backs on Him over and over again. But, God loves us anyway. He loves us enough to have sent His only begotten Son to be tried, brutally beaten, and executed for our sins. That is a loving God.

The Spirit of Christ spoke through His messengers in these places and opened ears and eyes and hearts and minds of those who were present so that we could rejoice in our salvation because of the precious gift of life given for us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

When I served these congregations, the Holy Spirit was moving in mighty ways. The Holy Spirit continues to move among the people of God and always will! Thanks be to God!

God's Peace - Pr. J

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