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Live Life In The Kingdom Of God
I Hold Your Heart
(dedicated to Maurice D. whose heart I held)
I hold your heart within my hand.
It beats against my palm.
Your heart
The miracle of Creation and Re-creation
God's most beautiful gift.
I hold it now.
It is mine.
It is yours.
For we are one.
God's most treasured gift
Your heart, your life
Your heart is in my hand.
Mr. Baear
Hospice connected us. He had terminal cancer and didn’t have much longer here on earth. He didn’t have a church. He needed to talk. So I went. A bear of a man, even the ravages of cancer could not completely destroyed that. I could only imagine what he had been like in his youth. I heard the stories of his family, of his youth, of his faith. I heard of his life in war torn Germany. He talked. I listened to this Mr. Baear, as he lay in his bed in the comfort of his home, with a loving wife nearby, ready to serve him at his slightest need.
I lay in my bed, deep in a forest, while sound asleep. Tall straight trees surrounded me with the scent of pine and crunching needles beneath my feet. As I followed a softly winding path, the intense green ferns in the under growth became thicker. Everything was so bright; so brilliant. I heard the crisp sound of ferns breaking under the feet of another. The footsteps got closer and clearer.
The path that I followed came to an end at a cabin door. The walls were rough logs pointing heavenward. The footsteps got louder. With all the crashing and banging, I was sure that someone was following and seemed to be in quite a hurry to catch up to me. I wasn’t really afraid, but I thought that I should be cautious. I entered the cabin. It was so very small. There was no hiding place. This would be no protection at all. I looked out the window at the side of the door and saw the ferns moving. I listened again. All was quiet. I thought, “It’s nothing at all. Just my imagination.” Slowly and quietly, I eased open the door. A bear, a huge black bear, lay dead at my feet.
I woke with a start to the telephone ringing. It was four in the morning. Hospice calling, again. “Bear died. Would you please, come?”
She talked. We cried. We commended Mr. Baear into the hands of God.