Saturday, December 10, 2016


"The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him." Deut 18:15 NIV

I am not always sure of what congregations expect of a Pastor in today's world. I celebrated the 20th anniversary of ministry to Lutheran congregations this year. One of my first mentors, that many years ago, informed me that included in my unwritten job description was this: "comfort the afflicted and afflict the too comfortable." Comfort the afflicting meant sometimes sharing the message of God would not be taken so kindly by everyone.

Now, prophecy in this context is not about being able to read fortunes or someone's future. Prophets of old were men (and sometimes women) who most often warned people that they needed to change their ways and live according to God's good will for them. Prophets of old did not speak to please the "itching ears." (2 Tim 4:3) They spoke to please God and in doing so to help others to be in a right relationship with God.

Afflicting the too comfortable is simply warning people when they begin to lift up their own abilities to maintain a viable congregation or their own status above trusting the Lord to grow His church. And, that is a major point. It is His church, not ours. We are members of it; but, the church and we as members of it belong to Him. Afflicting the too comfortable happens when pastors and other shepherds remind the flock or members of it that they are worshipping false gods. Sometimes, the false gods end up being the church building. Sometimes, they are our own egos, as we stand back and look and say: "See what I (or we) have done. Isn't it marvelous!" forgetting that without God we can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Sadly, too often, those who are too comfortable are too comfortable in the affliction they bring causing others to be uncomfortable. Yes, I am talking about bullying; I am talking about persecution even within the church.

Pastors are called to point out harm that is being done to others; to the Body of Christ, within faith communities, so that the church on earth might serve God and all of God's people, in unity and in peace. It is not optional for a shepherd to step aside while the sheep are being hunted down by wolves in sheep's clothing. (Matt 7:15)

May Almighty God open the ears of all His children so that we might know His good will for all people and empower us by the Spirit of Christ to follow in His Way.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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