Sunday, April 9, 2017

Shall We Desert Him?

The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”    (John 23:12-13 NIV)

Oh, what a glorious day it was. Jesus, the prophesied King of the Jews was coming to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The people went out to meet him waving palm branches in celebration. But, this was not to last and he was not the kind of king that they were hoping for. He would be lording it over no one. When he came into his kingdom it would be a kingdom of peace. It would be a kingdom of love; not of political agendas and maneuvers for any particular people. He came so that through him, all people might live in his Kingdom.

But, the people did not understand. The disciples did not understand. By the end of the week, even  friends would betray and desert him. Between two criminals he would be executed on a cross.

Today is Palm and/or Passion Sunday depending on how congregations around the world decide to celebrate it. I have always celebrated both. The proclamation of the Gospel will begin with Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem and it will not be finished until we see Jesus buried in the tomb. It will not be abbreviated in any way because we need to hear it. I anticipate there will be about the average number of people at worship today to wave the palms. On Easter Sunday, there will be even more to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. But what of the days between Sundays? It has been my experience that the observance of the night in which he was betrayed, when he gave to the disciples the bread and wine, declaring that they were his body and blood given for us and the day of his execution will not see so many at worship. Many followers will stay away. Just as many of his followers stayed away from Calvary so shall many of his followers today stay away from the observance of this fateful week; for they are not days of celebration; but, of grief as we are hit with the stark reality that in order for us to live; Jesus had to die.

Today, we will hear the entire story from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem to the tomb because if it were not told today, many would not hear of the events between the Sunday celebrations. Without Good Friday; there would be no resurrection; there would be no Easter Sunday.

Please, join your local congregation at every opportunity this week so that you might hear the whole story of Jesus' passion for you.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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