Thursday, September 7, 2017

Irma And Decisions

Keep me safe, my God,
    for in you I take refuge.

                                   Psalm 16:1 NIV

There are a lot of decisions to make as Hurricane Irma gets closer to Florida. Shall we evacuate before we're ordered to evacuate? If we don't, there just may not be any place left to go and there also may not be any gas left to get there. What about the pets? If we don't leave now, how will my parent with alzheimer's deal with the stress of the move to a motel room two states away or a local shelter. There are a lot of things to think about. Even if you leave you still have to ensure that you have enough food, water, and other essentials when you do return because even if the storm has passed by you may not have power or water and sadly maybe not even a home.

We live in a mobile home in an area that usually gets evacuated; but, we've pretty much made the decision to stay home as long as we can. If it looks like a Cat 3 roaring by Flagler Beach and the evacuation orders come then we will most probably go stay in a shelter. We will see where the winds decide to blow and how fast they are whipping the air, land, and sea about before we make the decision. Yes, I know we're suppose to figure out what we're going to do in advance and we have stocked up on essentials. But, I just don't want to leave home. I don't want to sit in a motel room or a shelter in Georgia or South Carolina for days on end. There's stuff to be done here. Worship has not been cancelled this Sunday and I don't plan on cancelling it. If the hurricane is upon us, don't drive. Stay where you are. But, God willing, I will be there for anyone who feels the desire or need to worship and pray.

May God keep you all safe wherever Irma may travel and may Irma head out to the very deep sea very quickly.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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