Monday, March 19, 2018

Office of the Keys and Confession

This Lenten Season we have been going through the chief parts of Luther's Small Catechism. This week, our topic is "The Office of the Keys and Confession." Those of us who have any years in the Lutheran Church behind us probably recall something called the Office of the Keys. It is no longer taught in every Lutheran Congregation. The lack of it's use within the church has subtly eroded the understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It has led to a widespread false teaching that has many neglecting or refusing to acknowledge that they have sinned against God and against others. They would say that God loves us no matter what we do so we can just go ahead and do it. There is no need for forgiveness because we have not sinned. Without the Office of the Keys in these latter years, many have come to believe that there is forgiveness without repentance. This is purely cheap grace and cheap grace is no grace at all. Forgiveness of our sins came at a great cost. It cost Jesus his life.

Indeed, God does loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for all people. But, do all people love Him enough to repent of their sins? Do they love Him enough to turn away from their sinful ways and turn to this God who loves us so much? Does the sacrifice that Christ made for us mean so little that we would continue to follow in the ways of the world; in the ways of the evil one; rather than the one who loves us that much?

There have been times that I have been accused of not being very Christian because I take seriously the Office of the Keys as an office held by His Church on earth. The name-calling is just a little thing and it is something I am willing to live with as I cannot say that what is a sin is not a sin. I will not cheapen the sacrifice that Christ made for us in that manner. It is better to serve God than the world.

Please, consider the Office of the Keys and Confession from the Small Catechism as I and many of you learned it in confirmation classes many years ago. . 

 What is the Office of the Keys?
The Office of the Keys is the special authority which Christ has given to His Church on earth: to forgive the sins of the penitent sinners, but to retain the sins of the impenitent as long as they do not repent.

Where is this written?
The evangelist writes, John 20:22-23: “Jesus breathed on His disciples and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; and if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.’”

What is Confession?
Confession consists of two parts: one, that we confess our sins; the other, that we receive absolution, or forgiveness, from the pastor or confessor as from God himself, and in no way doubt, but firmly believe that our sins are thereby forgiven before God in heaven.

What sins should we confess?
Before God we should acknowledge ourselves guilty of all sins, even of those which we do not know about, as we do in the Lord’s Prayer. But before the pastor or confessor we should acknowledge those sins only which we know and feel in our hearts.

Which are these?
Here consider your own situation according to the Ten Commandments, whether you are a father, mother, son, daughter, employer, employee; whether you have been disobedient, dishonest, lazy; whether you have injured anyone by word or deed; whether you have stolen, neglected, wasted anything, or done any harm."

God grant us such great love for Him that we would turn and follow in the footsteps of Jesus. God's Peace be with you all - Pr. J.

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