Friday, May 4, 2018

Humbly Pray For The Healing Of The Land

"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chron 7:14 NIV)
Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer; but, we need to pray everyday for this country, for our communities, for our congregations, and for our family, friends, and neighbors.
The Lord promised Solomon that if we figured out that we were not God and turned to Him in prayer rather than pursuing our wicked ways, he would heal the land. He will make us whole. 
God sent His Son to die for us that we might be forgiven and be made whole. Yet, the land; the people, are a mess! The forgiveness of our sins; the healing of the land and ourselves are precious gifts from God. But, unless we accept these gifts they are of no use to us. It is like receiving an awesome birthday gift and then putting it on a shelf in the closet to enjoy at a later day. But, that later day never comes. We get distracted and forget to turn to that gift, take it out of the closet, use it, and enjoy the gift.
If we would have God heal us, then in humble prayer we ought to confess our sins. We ought to turn to Him and receive the precious gift of forgiveness; the precious gift of life; a life of wholeness in His sight. 
May we never forget to pray daily for the healing of our land; our country, our communities, congregations, and for our family, friends, and neighbors.
God's Peace - Pr. J

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