Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Live In The Light Of Day

The forests come alive at night as various animals seek their prey and the prey wandering in the wilderness are busy dodging the predators. This seems to be the way of the whole animal kingdom.

But, for humankind, most of us are fortunate enough to be able to go about the  business of living during the light of the day. Most of us are fortunate enough to do this; but, not everyone. There are many whose circumstances require them to work to feed themselves and their families by working midnight shifts.

However, the lions are not the only ones who choose the cover of darkness to stalk their prey. There are also those among humankind who, rather than work in fruitful employment, choose to prey upon others for their livelihoods. They often come out at night. Fortunately the children of light prefer not to be out at night and are not as easy targets as the night-stalking predators might like. The children of light rest during the hours of darkness in preparedness and anticipation of the coming day.

Moral of this story: rest when the night comes; live life in the light of the day; live life in Jesus Christ who is the light of the world.

God's Peace - Pr. Judy

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