Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The End Of The Line

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14)  

I was not the perfect child growing up nor was I a particularly bad kid, either. I liked to climb trees; ride bike; go for walks; build forts... My parents had strict boundaries set for us and when we crossed them, my father would let us know: "you reached the end of the line, sister." I knew someone was in big trouble when I heard that!

There is this really not so pleasant series on television which my husband turns on every now and then called "The Walking Dead." During one season all of the living were trying to get to Terminus. This alone, was enough to convince me it was not worth watching. I could not figure out why anyone would conclude that any place named Terminus would be a good place to go. Terminus means the end of the line. It means the final point in time or space. So why would anyone go there? I was not impressed with the writers. After all, who would write in  a people so foolish that they would follow a path that would take them to a hell rather than to a place of refuge?

But, then again some people really do want to do a lot of things that I can't quite fathom why they would do them. They want to get blitzed! Why? Blitzed means to be attacked and defeated. I've heard the word used to mean get totally falling down drunk, as well. How about getting stoned? Why would anyone want to get stoned? In biblical times getting stoned was not a good thing. It also meant the end of the line. It meant death. Getting wasted also doesn't sound like something to look forward to on a Saturday night. It means physically or psychologically exhausted; debilitated. Again, near the end of the line.

So why would anyone follow a path that leads only to the end of the line; to destruction?  Jesus told us that we are to enter through the narrow gate. The narrow gate leads to life. But, alas! It can be hard and in reality there will be relatively few who will find it. Yup! The road that leads to life can be hard. But, I'm thinking a tough road to eternal life is better than an easy one that leads to eternal destruction.

Years ago, I had taken some young men, from a correctional facility, hiking to see a beautiful waterfalls. About half a mile in, I realized that they were very nervous. I asked them why. It turned out that they feared that we were lost and would be attacked by some wild animal or maybe come to the end of the line by falling off a cliff. They were from Detroit and although very street wise; they could not see the path that we were following in the wilderness. Someone has to show those who cannot see the path the way. Will you show them the way? 

May God help us to choose wisely the path that we will follow and guide others on the way remembering always that Jesus is the way.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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