Sunday, November 6, 2016

Alone With God

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Matthew 14:22-24 NIV

When my grandchildren were young they would often ask me to take them to school or other local events. If it was something that they were going to be actively participating in, I would usually agree. If it was something they were just going to as spectators so they could hang around behind the bleachers, I would tell them. "No, gramma can't do that." Of course, they would ask "why not?" My response to that would be "because gramma is a hermit."

I am not really a hermit. I have no problem with huge crowds. But, I like to have a good reason to be in the big crowds. Proclaiming the good news; feeding the hungry; supporting family or friends in whatever activity they are actively involved in or raising funds for those who are less fortunate than we are (Toys 4 Tots is on my list of priorities) are all good reasons for participating in crowded events. I don't mind crowds. But, I really do like my alone time. I have to have my alone time with God. Even when I am alone, I do not like to have "noise" as some people like noise. I do not want televisions or radios or any other noise in the background so that I don't feel alone. I am never alone. God is with me and that is way more than enough. Listening to "noise" when I alone with God, to me, is like a teen-ager who constantly looks at their cell-phone at the dinner table. Parents don't like to be ignored. I have a feeling our Father in heaven doesn't much care for it either.

When life around me crowds out my alone time with God, I get pretty cranky. I need to talk to Him. I need to listen to Him. I need to be in His presence. In the end, it may sound pretty selfish. But, I do need Him above all others. I need Him to help me be with and help others. Without Him, I can do nothing.

Jesus spent a lot of time in crowds proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom; healing the sick, kicking out demons. But, he also spent time alone with our Father in heaven. This being in the presence of our Father in heaven is even more than a need. It is a heartfelt desire.

You will not regret taking the time to be in a closer relationship with our Father in heaven who loves you dearly. Talk to Him. Listen to Him. Abide in His presence.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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