Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Take Away Our Disgrace!

In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!" (Isaiah 4:1 NIV)

Isaiah prophesied that Jerusalem and Judah would lose so many men by the sword in the judgement that was to come that women would be willing to share their men just to have a man's name to bear.

That was a different time. We have no shortage of men today. And, women in the United States have long fought the battle to be able to care for themselves. Since, it appears to me, that many may have forgotten, let me remind you that the battle has been won. The only thing that will keep women down now, is women themselves, who believe the lie that they are less than and will not stand up for themselves...  It is discouraging to me to see that so many women have climbed the so-called ladders of success by allowing men to use and abuse them. This has hurt not only themselves; but, society as a whole. Stand up to the injustice for the sake of all people! The generation of the women's suffrage (do our young women even know what that is) made a giant step forward and for a couple of generations there continued to be progress. But, sadly I see many (not all) women of this younger generation taking two steps backwards. There is no disgrace in being a woman alone. That stigma was from generations ago and I had thought it died. But, no. It is still alive and well.

Running after and subjugating oneself to men, after so many women, fought and suffered that they might have the same rights and responsibilities as men is quite disheartening.  That is the disgrace. But, women must also remember that along with the equality of rights; also comes the equality of responsibility. Maybe, that is the problem for some. There are a few who want the rights; but, not the responsibility and make it hard for those who are willing to take on the responsibilities, as well.

Unfortunately, although women often accept sex discrimination as a matter of fact, men also play in hand as they are usually (not always) the perpetrators. I have been truly amazed since I moved southward how much sex discrimination there actually is. I've only been living here for a year and a half and I can't even count how many times I've heard (from both men and women) that something is a man's job or a man's responsibility and women can't handle it. Say, what! I have held so many positions that many would consider a "man's job" that it is unbelievable to me that there is still discrimination. I truly thought it had all but disappeared. I, of course, have encountered it myself. But, it did not stop me from pursuing what I set out to accomplish and I did not belittle myself to do it.  Sadly today, many women do indeed still get paid less in many instances for doing the same job as men. 

Despite the lie that many men and women believe that women need a man to get on in this world, women do not. Men do not need women to survive for that matter, either. What we need is for men and women to come together and to support one another, working along side one another. 

There is no need for women to run after men because they think that they cannot survive without one. Women, too, are created in the image of God. No one ought to do anything to debase that image. Women were created to be help-mates to men; not slaves.

I apologize if this sounds like a tirade. It is. Women running after men just to have a man and allowing themselves to be used and abused by men; and men willing to use and abuse women really is a sore point with me. Another day, I will consider how men are used and abused by women for that truly is a tragedy of today's world, as well. We really need to learn to treat each other with more respect.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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