Tuesday, February 13, 2018

You Are Not Alone

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." John 3:16 NIV

God loves you. No matter how alone you feel in the world, there is One who will always love you. Such good news for a sin sick world!

Depression runs rampant in this world. It is a sadness to witness those who already suffer from depression often made even more depressed by the bullying and self-serving tactics of others. The sadness overwhelms so many of the people that I know and care about. They feel alone and unloved. If only their ears and eyes and hearts could be opened to understand how much God loves them and how much the people in whom Christ abides loves them. They are not alone; but, they do not comprehend that.

Sadly, even as Christ is at work in and through his followers so the devil is at work in and through many spreading lies and hatred and anger and gossip and greed. All these things lead to depression. They can lead to death. But, do not despair. Hear the Word of the Lord. God loves you. You are not alone. Those in whom He abides love you. You do not have to be alone or lonely. Seek out the brothers and sisters in whom Christ abides that you might hear and know this great love that God has for you. He loves you and your children and all whom you love so much that He was willing to give his only begotten Son for you.

May God grant that you be filled with the knowledge of His abiding presence through the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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