Sunday, April 15, 2018

Give To God Your Whole Life

Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?”

But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”
“Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
                                                                      (Matthew 22:17-21 NIV)
Have you paid your taxes? There is only a couple of more days before the deadline for filing income taxes. I think most people probably get a little worried that they will make a mistake on their taxes and the IRS will be knocking on their door. That is why so many people hire tax accountants to do their taxes even if they are simple 1040 EZ's that they are filing. We worry about being charged with not giving to the government what is owed.
If we are so concerned about making no mistakes when it comes to paying our taxes to the governing authorities; why then are we so lax in giving God the thanks and praise that belongs to Him? 
The governing authorities use our tax money to build roads and support hospitals and schools and all kinds of things that we deem necessary for life. But, it is God who gives life to all. It is God who gives us eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Do not hold back on paying your taxes to the governing authorities. Do not hold back from dedicating your whole life to God.
God's Peace - Pr. J

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