Saturday, January 16, 2021

Transgressions Increase

Photo by Pr. Judy Mattson
When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall. (Prov 29:16 KJV)

Whenever I consider how wicked the world can be today, I think about how evil it has been in the past and I don't see the world quite as awful today as we would portray it in our own minds.

Yes, there is injustice. It seems rampant at times. If we read world news we will see that in some parts of the world there is much more wickedness than here in the U.S.A.. 

Yes, there is wickedness in the world and transgressions do seem to be multiplying. But, it would be rather wise not to participate in the evil; rather, do harm to no one for the righteous will see the fall of those who harm others for their own purposes. It may take awhile. But, have patience. Justice is the Lord's. 

St. Paul wrote to the Romans: "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord." (Rom 12:19)

This does not mean that we should not protect ourselves or our neighbors. We should assist all people in time of need; in times of persecution. We should stand with them fearlessly for if we are damaged in the process, we can be assured that God will provide the justice.

In the meantime may the Lord fill us with the Spirit of love, with the Holy Spirit that you might: "... cease to do evil; learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:16-17)

God's Peace - Pr. J.

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