Sunday, November 25, 2018

By Word and Deed Glorify God

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (1 Col 3:17 NRSV)

Working in a youth correctional facility as a substance abuse counselor, I heard a lot of stories from the young men in group. One of the stories included a fight that started in a church. It happened that a few members of two different gangs went to worship the same morning with their mothers. One of the teens represented his gang by wearing their colors. That did not go over well with the other gang. It was not too long after leaving the sanctuary that he was attacked. 

Representing anything or anyone, other than the Lord, at Worship is just not right. That goes not only for the sanctuary; but, wherever we happen to be. The whole world is the Lord's. As Christians we represent our Lord. In everything that we say or do or no matter where we are, Christians represent the Lord. 

All honor and glory belong to the Lord not to what group or anyone or anything else we might belong to in this world. 

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!

God's Peace - Pr. J

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