Saturday, November 3, 2018

Wisdom Is Trusting The Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be a healing for your flesh
and a refreshment for your body.
Proverbs 3:5-8 NRSV

I hear many a person confess their faith in the Lord. They say that they believe in him; they trust him and depend upon him. But, then I see and hear otherwise. We confess our faith in the Lord and then we turn around and trust in the wisdom or rather the lack of wisdom of humankind. We say that we are faithful to him; but, then our actions prove that we do not listen to the wisdom of God. We listen to the wisdom of the world; to our own demise.

May God help us to be more faithful to him and to follow our Lord in the way that he (not we) would have us go.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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