Saturday, December 28, 2019

Rest For The Weary

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.                                                                                                  (Matt 11:28 KJV)

Everyone gets weary from time to time. As I get older, it seems that I am more heavy laden than in years before. It may not seem like much to others. In fact, others may even say some of the things I take on are not mine to take on. 

The problem with that is that as a Christian I feel compelled to help those who are in need and so I take on more. I hope that when people are alone, I will be able to recognize that and be there for them. Yes, there are times when I may be taken advantage of. But, those rare times are not worth the giving up on others. And, who can tell if, even in being taken advantage of, others may come to know Jesus through you? 

When I am weary; I find rest; I find peace, in knowing that Christ is with me and inspiring me to do what I can for others.

There is rest for the weary. It comes with a relationship with Jesus.

May we always abide in Christ and Christ in us.

God's Peace - Pr. J.

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