Thursday, January 16, 2020

Work With Integrity

Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the Lord.

Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. 
                                     (Prov 20:10-11 KJV)

One of my pet peeves is working without integrity. Someone gives you a job; then thank God that you have a job and the ability to support yourselves and your family. It is not up to anyone else to support you in perpetuity. There is help when you need help and there are many people who genuinely need help.  There are also many who can work and won't or they do such a poor job that it takes two or more people to do the job that one can do.  If you can work then work and do the best that you can for yourself and for the person who has employed you. 

I see a lot of complaints on the news and social media that minimum wage needs to be raised to fifteen dollars an hours and complaints about the self check-outs taking away job in various businesses. I personally use the self check-outs in these establishments. 

Just prior to Christmas, I was shopping for a nice tie for a young boy who likes to dress up. I had to ask three people in one store before they could direct me to them. None of the three even smiled. In fact, they acted like I was disturbing their day. When I finally found the children's ties there were no nice ones. I ended up purchasing him a necklace with a superhero logo. That took standing around at the counter for about ten minutes before anyone showed up after the call for help. That person was not friendly either. I had definitely disrupted her morning routine. Although, there was not anyone at the check-outs with cashiers, I went to the self check-out. I had no desire to have another encounter with another employee who was not happy to be doing their jobs that morning.

For the sake of yourself and others: do yourself a favor; do for your employer what is right and do the work that you have been hired to do and do it with integrity. If in any way you serve the public; serve like you actually like people and want to help them.  It may not always be easy. It may seem like an uphill battle at times; but, do it any way. Work with integrity and do what is right and good so that there might be peace in the workplace and that God might be glorified.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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