Thursday, June 25, 2020

No Hiding From God

Photo by Pr. Judy Mattson
The Secret Hiding Place
Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.   (Jer 23:24 KJV)

When my oldest grandchildren were young they, like most children, liked to play hide-n-seek. I would often walk with them to the ruins of an old stamp mill on the shores of Lake Superior. They would attempt to hide on me. I always found them pretty quickly as I could hear them as they went and they always tended to hide in their same secret hiding place.

As children get older some of them will try to hide what they are doing or where they are going. But, loving parents will usually have a pretty good idea of what they are up to no matter where they are. Parents will have taken the time to listen to and to observe them enough to know their habits. Even if the parents don't call them on everything they think their growing children are up to, they can  hide very little from their parents. 

Parents can get busy and miss some things; but, God is always observant of what His children are doing. There is no hiding from Him. There is no sense in pretending that you are innocent before God. He knows better. He knows you through and through. 

He is always near. He is always with us. So do not attempt to hide yourself or what you do from God. Rather, live in peace with God and with one another. and with yourself. Rejoice in the fact that He is with us and knows us and He will guide us if we would but listen. Do not try to hide from God; but, embrace Him and live life in His presence.

God's Peace - Pr. J.

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