Thursday, November 2, 2017

Called to Praise Him!

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9 NIV)

You are chosen by God. You are a member of His household. You are a member of His family. You are no longer who you were; but, are now a member of the royal priesthood and of a holy nation. You are called to privately and publicly praise the one who called you of darkness into his wonderful light.

So, what don't we get about this? If you truly believe that you are saved by God's grace through faith and that Jesus died to bring all people into the light; then why are you not sharing this good, this awesome, this wonderful news with the world? 

The truth is that unless you ask most people if they believe in Jesus Christ you would not be able to tell that they consider themselves to be Christians. So many consider themselves to be going to this place we call heaven when they die a physical death. But, there is no evidence in anything that they say or do that would convince anyone that they have been born again of the Spirit  We have been called so that we can declare the mighty works of God. We have been called to praise His Holy Name. Let's get on it! OK?!

May we all be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we might be empowered to give God the glory in all that we say and think and do!

God's Peace - Pr. Judy

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