Saturday, November 4, 2017

Fake News And False Witness (Conspiracy Theories?)

Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. (Ex 20:16)

What does this mean?  We should fear and love God that we may not deceitfully lie, betray, slander, nor defame our neighbor, but defend him, speak well of him, and put the best construction on everything. (Luther's Small Catechism)

I come from a family of storytellers. Though, he rarely spent time with his grandchildren, I understand that my paternal grandfather could tell some pretty good stories when he was with his friends. My Uncle Leonard was a great storyteller. He told us many bedtime stories in hopes that we would fall asleep. The one I remember most is how he captured a field mouse, taught it to speak, and sold it to Ed Sullivan. Some of you might remember that little mouse, Topo Gigo, that starred on the Ed Sullivan Show. The story went on and on over many visits. Each time he told the story, he added more to it. As a child, I believed him. Then there was my father's cousin, Frans Sillanpaa, the first Finnish author to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Yes, I come from a family of storytellers and I am pretty good at being able to discern between fiction and the truth. But...not always. There are just way too many opinions, theories, and conspiracy theories running around to have the time to pick through what is truth and what is fiction. Life is really too short to get caught up in all of that.  

The mainstream media presents a lot of opinions; without basis in any facts, as truth. It's what's called fake news. It appears; though, that there is a whole other side to this fake news. That other side is all of those conspiracy theories that are being thrust upon us. Some of them actually seem like they might have some validity to them. Others do not. The latest conspiracy theory and the one that prompted today's blog is one I saw on Facebook this morning. The theory is that Finland does not actually exist. Finland is a lie created by Russia and Japan to aid in Japan's fishing industry. Hmmm.... Yeah.... Major storytelling.... Oi Vey! 

When such outlandish stories are put out there; it is pretty difficult to accept any of the conspiracy theories we read or hear about. We just want to dismiss them all even if some might end up being truth. Why not just tell the truth based on real facts all of the time or at least most of the time!? And... who comes up with these stories anyway? It crossed my mind this morning that it might just be the CIA in order to keep us from believing anything conspiracy theories about them. Okay... I am just joking. There is no basis in fact to that statement. None whatsoever. Do not perpetuate that story!

I understand that there can be some big money to be made in storytelling; in fake news. These fictional stories; fake news, can also thrust someone into the limelight and help swell the ego mighty large and some people really do enjoy being the center of attention.

Many of these stories are being the told under the guise of bringing truth to light; to protect us from further harm; even to bring about peace in the world. But, lies and the purposeful slander of others are definitely not the way anyone is going to find peace. Live life in the present and live it without fear. Do not be creating fake news to protect yourself or to make gains for yourself. Live life in the truth, who is Jesus the Christ.

Have a blessed day and maybe turn off the news for at least a day or two. Live life in peace.

God's Peace - Pr. Judy

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