Sunday, November 5, 2017

Was It Fair?

“But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous? So the last will be first, and the first will be last.'” (Matt 20:13-16 NIV)

In the parable of the workers of the vineyard, there were those who complain that some received better wages than others.  They complain that the wages are not given out fairly. Those who work for one hour receive the same payment as those who labor all day. In the end, Jesus' response is: “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matt 20:16)

The complaint of those who came first came; of those who thought they should get more of something than others should get, is not an unfamiliar story. We often hear and sometimes it is we who complain that we were there first. We did this. We did that. Why, oh, why is someone else getting the same pay as we are getting? We've been here working and serving much longer than others. Why, oh, why is he or she getting a promotion before me? I was here long ago. They were not? Why, is this or that person being put in a position of authority? Why are they being honored or awarded? I've earned it. They have not. 
We often complain that life is not fair. What we think we deserve, we do not always get. What we think should go to us sometimes goes to others. Throughout scripture we read of people receiving what they have not earned. God blesses whom He chooses to bless because He is God and usually the one He chooses is the one who would be considered less than. 

David was a mere shepherd boy. They youngest of many sons. Yet, God chose him to be king; to rule over His people. Did this shepherd boy deserve to be king? He was so young. What could he have possibly accomplished for God to be calling him? But, God knew what David would do way before David could even begin to fathom it.
Jesus was born in a barn to a very young woman. He was not born into wealth. His family was not of any upper echelons of authority or power. He came from a very average family. But, God chose that average family. That young woman was chosen to bear incarnate God. Joseph, although we hear very little about him, was chosen to be the earthly father of God's only begotten Son. They did nothing in particular to deserve these high honors. Yet, God chose them. For whatever reason, God decided to bless them with the privilege of raising Jesus. And, the Son... What about Jesus? Did he deserve what he got? Did he deserve; was it really fair that Jesus had to die for our sins? He did nothing wrong. He was without sin. Yet, he took our places and our punishment so that we might be reconciled to our Father in heaven. Was it fair for one man to receive the penalty for the sins of the whole world?  He put himself last, humbled himself for us, and now is first in the Kingdom of God. He reigns!
Life may not always seem like it's fair. God does not think or act like we do. Even His justice is not like our justice. That is a real good thing for us. He is much more merciful than we are. What seems right or just in our eyes, doesn't necessarily make it just in God's eyes. Jesus says the last shall be first and the first will be last. Something about that just doesn't seem right to us. But, it is God's word. It is his plan for the good of all who love Him.

Thanks be to God, it is He who is in charge and not we.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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