Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Conspiracy To Turn You Away From Jesus

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." Matt 7:15

Oh... for sure... there are more than a few false prophets lurking about and some not lurking. Many are out there in plain view; just turn on your television set and you will hear them.

Some of the false prophets are not so mellow as sheep. They don't even pretend to be sheep. They pretend to be the shepherd who is concerned for your safety. But, if you listen closely you will find another agenda. They will bombard you with gloom and doom. They shout from their microphones that the world is ending. They will present some pretty huge conspiracy theories when in fact they themselves are the conspiracy as they would instill fear in your heart and turn your focus away from your first love who; hopefully, is Jesus the Christ. But, the sheep that belong to the Good Shepherd will not buy into these conspiracy theories. We will not fear them for we know that Jesus is with us and for us. We do not fear the end. We know that the end is nothing to fear as it will only bring a new beginning and so we focus on living life; living life in Christ.

And, then there are those false prophets who do, indeed, come to us in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. The come to us with soft spoken (a few even sickening sweet) voices to lure us away from the truth. They present to the world a new Gospel; a gospel where Jesus is not "the way." He is only one way. Be aware! Stay away from those who would tell you there are many ways. As a conspiracy of man, it is meant to make the false prophet rich in both pocketbook and esteem. As a conspiracy of the devil it is meant to turn you away from the one true God.

Neither the heavy handed or the sickening sweet prophet need be pastors, either. Remember, Jesus said beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing. These false prophets can be clergy; but, they can also be the supposed sheep within a congregation. They can also be one who claims to follow Jesus; but, hasn't seen the inside of a church building in years. Sheep in wolves clothing come to us in many ways. No matter what their agenda or method is; all false prophets conspire against you to drag you down; to pull
you away from the one who truly loves you. Do not listen to them! Keep your first love close in your heart and mind so that the devil cannot sway you. 

God's Peace - Pr. J

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