Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Build Up The Church

Preaching in Laskela, Russia years ago, it was necessary to
have two translators: Russian (on my right); Finnish
(on my left). The Church of Christ is bigger than any
one congregation or denomination!
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thess 5:11 NIV)
There are enough negative things  happening and being said in the world without there being so many negative and disrespectful things going on in the Body of Christ. Some congregations spend so much time disrespecting the leadership and others in their congregations that there ends up being very little time left to do the work the Lord has called us to do. The leadership is too busy putting out fires. If a congregation has no time to proclaim the Gospel; to reach out to the sick and the suffering, then what kind of fellowship are they really? Are they Christian?
We must always remember that there are more members in the Body of Christ, in the Church, than just those who physically fellowship with us on Sunday mornings. God has called multitudes around the world to be His children. It would behoove us to remember that when we are judging (intentionally or unintentionally) people around the world; when we are judging who we should encourage and support or not that Jesus commanded us to go out and make disciples of all people. (Matt 28:16-20) Making disciples of Jesus means encouraging not discouraging people to follow and become a fellow brother or sister in Christ.
Christ died so that all people might be reconciled to our Father in heaven and to one another through him. He died and he calls us to be willing to give of ourselves for the building up of His Body, which is the Church. He died to make us one in Him. Let us live and serve as one Body no matter who we are or what we do or where we live or where we worship. Let us continue to encourage one another for the building up of the Church to the glory of our Holy Father in heaven.
God's Peace - Pr. J

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