Saturday, June 16, 2018

Time For Change?

The grass is long. The water low.
There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the
                                         (Eccl 3:1 NIV)
There is a time for everything. I absolutely thank God for the years I've been able to spend on the beautiful Silver River and Huron Bay. This morning; though, I'm wondering if it is time to make a permanent change. My husband and my intentions for retirement were to be able to spend the summers in the Upper Peninsula. But, this is getting a little old.
We pulled into the yard that looked more like a hay field. The grass is long. The water in the river was very low. For those of you who do not realize it; but, the Silver River has tides coming in and going out. So within an hour the river was back up to the back porch. There was not too much damage from the rising and receding water levels. Logs piled up and the bridge to the river is slightly damaged. Nothing much changed about that. We have gotten used to it over the years. Upon entering the house, we noticed a slight mildew smell. We were relieved as last summer the entire house had to be scrubbed in bleach which took my entire two weeks of vacation. So, we were pretty happy with the way we found the place. But, then the lights started flashing on and off and within a short while the power went completely out in half the house; to include the kitchen, two bedrooms and the bathroom. The office and most of the living room are still up and running. So, today hoping we can find an electrician who can find the problem and maybe even fix it before I head back to work.
In the meantime, I am beginning to wonder if this spending summers up north is going to work for us. Howard mentioned last winter that maybe we ought to sell. This property really deserves year round care and as it is looking right now; it is something that we cannot do. This morning I find myself considering it. This morning I find myself wondering if it is the time and the season to move totally on.
May God help us to discern the times and the seasons in each of our lives.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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