Sunday, July 15, 2018

Kingdom of God; Our True Home

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” (John 18:36 NIV)

We fight to keep the places that we feel that we deserve in this world. We want what we want and we're going to get it. The only thing Jesus wanted was for us to be reconciled to his Father, our Father, in heaven and to one another. He was willing to die so that might happen. He did not even want his followers to fight for his life here on earth. 

So, if the Kingdom that is our true home is not of this world, why are we so often fighting for our places in this world? Why do we fight over something that we will lose when we leave this place; something we cannot take with us when we go to the home that Jesus has prepared for us? 

God provides us with the things in this world that are necessary for us to be able to live and to serve the Lord. But, there are also things that will only distract us from following Jesus and living the kingdom where he reigns. There are things which will keep us from following Jesus and living with him. There are things worth fighting for and there are things that are not. May God give us the wisdom to discern the difference.

And, may God help us to place as a priority being reconciled to him and one another even as we live in this world today.  

God's Peace - Pr. J

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