Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Sabbath; Remain Still

Scripture is pretty silent on any human activity during the day after the crucifixion of Jesus. It is silent because it was the Sabbath. Travel was limited by law. Work was curtailed. The Sabbath was and is a time of rest. It is a time to recount all that God has done for us.
And, how much recounting there was during that Sabbbath! 
The Priests and Pharisees were still worried about the man, Jesus, that was crucified the day before. They remembered that Jesus had said he would rise from the grave on the third day so they went to Pilate to have the grace sealed, just in case...
The followers of Jesus had lost their teacher to a horrible death the day before. They were grieving this Sabbath. They were in shock and in fear for their own safety. Oh, how their minds must have been racing as they recounted the past three years following Jesus and the events of the past week. Their hearts and minds may have been racing; but, it is was the Sabbath so they remained still. According to tradition they stayed in place until they were allowed to go out again on Sunday.
Today, is the Sabbath. It is a good thing to remain still and recount the happenings of the previous week. For many people today, it is unlawful to leave their safe places unless it is absolutely essential. It is an opportunity to take the time to reflect on all that Jesus has done and continues to do for us.
God's Peace - Pr. J.    

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