Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Season Of Spring

Magnolia Blossom 2020 Bunnell, FL

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Gen 8:22 KJV)

I have been looking forward to seeing the Magnolia trees in bloom at my most recent home this spring. Finally, one blossom has appeared! 

Every season has its own beauty. Every season has its own purpose. Depending upon where we live the seasons may appear in different forms; but, in all places there are seasons that regulate our comings and goings; that regulate what we do and how we live.

After Noah and his family got off the boat that they'd been floating around in for a season, God had promised that he would never destroy the earth by a flood like that again. He promised that as long as the earth exists there will always be seasons. There would be seasons to plant as well as to to harvest. 

Spring is upon us. For some that still means a little bit of snow and seeds will have to be started indoors. For others that means it is time to get those seeds and plants into the ground so that what we do today will produce a harvest in its own time.

What we do today will help determine how fruitful we are in the future. Do not let the season of preparedness pass you by. There is a season for everything. Spring is not the season for idleness.

Let us rejoice in the beauty of the season; the opportunities to see new growth in both creation and in our own lives. 

The world most likely will not end tomorrow or even the next day. But, it will come to an end for each of us one day. Let us not waste the days we have; but, enjoy life. Live life, taking hold of every opportunity to be fruitful and to glorify our Father in heaven.

God's Peace - Pr. J.

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