Wednesday, March 13, 2019

According To His Purpose

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.. (Rom 8:28 NRSV)

Let's just remember that it says for those who are called according to his purpose. God does call each and everyone of us. However, we must remember that he will gifts us individually gifts to serve according to his purpose. To take on a call that we have not been called to is not in the least bit fruitful. To say no to a call that He has called us to is also not fruitful.

Many congregations are on the decline. Could it be that many who attend have chosen to ignore the call to serve? Could it be that others are answering a call that they may not be gifted for?

All things work together for good when we work together according to the gifts that God has given us according to his purpose.

Just something to consider on this glorious God-given day...

God's Peace - Pr. J  

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