Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Boast Only Of The Lord

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast. (Eph 2:8-9 NRSV)
Because we have done nothing to earn our own salvation; let us quit with the boasting. There is no reason for any of us to boast. Christ has done it all for us. Christ is our all in everything. 
One of the most common things that will set off my cringe reaction is seeing someone within the visible church doing something for no reason other than to boast about how wonderful they are. They do this. They do that. They have to be the center of things. They will not lend a hand to the ministry unless they can be at the front and center in order to receive the most attention; the most applause. 
Oh, yes, that applause for something someone has just done or said or sang would be a cringe factor; one of my serious pet peeves. I really don't have a problem if Sunday School children do special music or a program and receive applause. But, I do have a big problem with applauding adults, those who ought to be a little more mature in their faith, by now. I do take issue with people who are feigning to worship God when they are merely looking to be worshipped for their gifts, themselves. I take issue with those who serve within the church so that they may boast of themselves. 
Consider this: have you ever heard anyone applaud after the scripture lessons were read? Have you ever heard anyone applaud after absolution is pronounced or the Good News is read? I certainly have never heard anyone applaud what God has done for us; only what people do within the worship setting. Is not what God has done for us worthy of our applause; given that we would consider applauding the talent of one whom he has created?
I know that we are Lutherans and we don't normally say things like Amen or Hallelujah or Praise the Lord spontaneously during worship. But, praising the Lord spontaneously when we are reminded what God has done for us is appropriate; whether that reminder of what he has done is in a reading, a prayer, a sermon, or a hymn. Praising people for using the gifts that God has given them really sets off, not just my cringe factor, but; the cringe (that just felt so yucky) factor in others, as well. Praising God during a worship setting is most appropriate; praising God's creation at worship is not. We worship the giver not the gifts.
Worship is not about being entertained. It is about worshipping God; about giving thanks and praise and glory and honor to the one who is above all things; the one who has saved us from ourselves. Those who would entertain you with the gifts that God has given them cannot save you. You are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. All applause; all glory and honor, belongs to God, not to humankind. Applause for a particular word or act may be appropriate in a secular setting or even at a Christian concert; but, I definitely question whether it is appropriate to applaud anyone other than God in a worship setting.
Stop the boasting... It only reveals our false god. Sadly, we are usually the false god that we reveal. Praise belongs only to the Lord, for in him is our salvation.
God's Peace - Pr. J

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