Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Way And Wisdom Of God

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the future. The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. (Prov 19:20-21 NRSV)

We like to plan for the future; for the afternoon; for tomorrow; for what we will do when we grow old. We like to plan according to our own desires. We can come up with many plans. Some will be brought to fruition. Many plans will never be achieved.

To achieve those things that we want there usually has to be a path for us to follow. How will we get there? What steps shall we take? 

It is not expedient for us to get side-tracked on various other things. We must focus on the ultimate goal if we're even going to begin heading in the direction that we want to go. It does not help us to ignore the advice of those who have taken that same path and reached the goal. It is fool-hardy to think that we know better than those who have already succeeded and that we have no need of taking their advice. We can throw their advice under the bus; but, that will not get us any where except run down. It is also not wise to follow in the same ways of others whose journeys ended with them sinking in deep mire.

Most of all, it is fool-hardy to think that we do not have to follow the wisdom of God; we do not have to follow the path he has set before us; because, in the end it will not be our will be done; but, His. The purpose of the Lord will be established no matter what plans that we might have.

May God help us to learn to be still and actually listen to Him so that we may follow in the way that He would have us go.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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