Such a hard saying! What does this mean!
I have never understood it to mean that we must throw our family members under the bus. I do understand it to mean that the we must make sure that God comes first in our lives. Nothing and no one can become the priority over God. That being said: just as we are to care for and serve others we should serve our families. But, we should never put their or our own selfish desires before the will of God. God comes first for without him we cannot truly love anyone else.
The Kingdom of God comes first. If the world is so important to you that you cannot put aside an egotistical and materialistic self-serving life-style then why pretend that the Kingdom of God is important in any way to you?
Jesus' early followers left family, homes, businesses to follow Jesus. They were willing and often did give up their very lives for the sake of the Kingdom of God. There are many around the world who are still willing and still do.
The Kingdom of God comes first. If the world is so important to you that you cannot put aside an egotistical and materialistic self-serving life-style then why pretend that the Kingdom of God is important in any way to you?
Jesus' early followers left family, homes, businesses to follow Jesus. They were willing and often did give up their very lives for the sake of the Kingdom of God. There are many around the world who are still willing and still do.
Then he said to them all, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it. (Luke 9:23-24)
Something to consider: Are you truly a follower of Jesus or is your Christianity merely a badge to wear when needed to please, appease, and impress those around you? Will you deny yourself and take up the cross to follow Jesus? If we follow in his footsteps, it will take us to the place where he carried his cross; to where he died upon it; and ultimately to the Kingdom of God where he reigns eternally. It would take us to places where those who cling to the world would fear to go.
The journey is definitely worth making. But, there is a cost. It cost Jesus his life. This same Jesus who died on the cross said we are to take up our crosses daily and follow him. Follow him where? To the cross? To death? Is there a limit on the places that we are willing to follow him to? Is there a limit to what we are willing to die to in this world in order to follow him?
May God grant us courage and strength to take up our crosses and follow him wherever he would lead us.
God's Peace - Pr. J
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