Growing in Christ does mean that we will face trials. There was a time when I could actually smile at those trials that I would face, knowing that it would be a learning and growing experience. Then, I would just get to it. Today, I am more likely to find myself weary of facing one trial after the next. Maybe, it's more like I've learned to simply endure them. I look out into the world and see all the trials that people endure simply because of our sinful natures, I get tired of seeing so much unnecessary suffering. I know that trials produce endurance so that we might mature and grow in Christ. However, it saddens me to know that those trials are often born out of disrespect for the world; for the people around us; and, for God.
Sadly; to live in this world, we do need endurance and endurance comes from facing and overcoming trials. But, we are not alone. We are never alone. God is with us and we will prevail. We will grow and mature in Christ. We can rejoice in that knowledge.
God grant that we should have joyful spirits as we face the trials before us, in the knowledge that God is with us and for us.
God's Peace - Pr. J
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