So who exactly does the world want to welcome: Jesus, God the Father. the little child?
For a whole lot of the world, these words from Jesus are absolutely worthless. A large part of the world thinks more of themselves than any of these. Believing and following Jesus calls us to be last in the world. Following Jesus means to open our arms to all and that includes the little children. Our comfort; our convenience does not come before serving others according to their needs.
Jesus was a servant to all. He healed those who were sick. He raised them from the dead. He fed the hungry. He washed his followers' feet. Our Lord, was willing to die that we might live. Our Lord and our King; was willing and even desirous of serving humankind that we might be welcomed by our Father into His presence; not just for life after death; but, so that we could live in His glorious presence even today.
The firstborn of creation; the firstborn from the dead (Col 1:15, 18) became last; the servant of all for all of God's children.
May God help us to put the lives of all God's children, young and old, before our own comfort and convenience.
God's Peace - Pr. J
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