Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Grace Filled And Salty Speech

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." (Col 4:6 KJV)

When my granddaughter was young, she could be a bit salty. Okay, she could be a lot salty. She can still be a bit over the top when she is aggravated.

Salt is a good thing in the appropriate amounts for the specific occasion. A lot of salt is needed to move a pesky ant hill. Not so much salt is needed to flavor food. Salt poured on a wound might sting; but, it helps in the healing process. It does no hurt to be a bit salty at times. Salt is necessary for life.

Grace is also necessary for life. But, "grace and only grace is no grace at all," as my former mentor and teacher, Dr. Karl Keljo, often reminded me. Being a bit salty is a good thing. But, just as only grace without a bit of salt can do damage; so can being overly salty. 

May God grant us the wisdom to know how much salt we should or should not use to season our conversations with others.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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