Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Need A Purpose

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. (2 Thess 3:10 KJV)

I had some really strange dreams last night. I was volunteering to volunteer for many things. I even volunteered to run for public office! Wah! That's not happening! The reality is that yesterday was my last "work" day at Christ Lutheran Church and I am just not used to not working. I like having a purpose for each and every day.

I was also raised to think that we should enjoy working and that stuck with me. My parents had a work ethic that they expected us to grab on to as well. 

I am not quite sure what to do with "retirement." Today, I will be looking at a new lawn mower; working in the garden (the flowers were watered before the sun came up); maybe working on a fence; but, definitely working on cleaning up the sticks in the yard. While I worked, I never really had the time to work in the yard much. It seems that now I may have lots of time! I have always enjoyed it. When I was still a child at home and it came time to mow the lawn, it was a toss up between one of my sisters and myself as to who would get to mow the lawn and who would have to wash the supper dishes. I always begged to do the lawn. In fact, prior to becoming a pastor, I ran my own cleaning and maintenance business. The majority of the business was contract work with local and state governments taking care of parks and cemeteries. I loved mowing and weed eating! I still do.  

I don't know what I'm going to be doing in the future; hopefully, a lot of the time will be spent outdoors. In the end, it is up to God to lead me wherever he wishes and wherever or whatever that is, I will go.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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