Friday, May 8, 2020

A Bit Of Salt

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.  (Col 4:5-6 KJV)

I had overheard a young person tell someone that if they got salty with her, she would get salty with them. I hadn't heard anyone use the word salt like that in decades. When I was growing up being salty meant something like to be tough or unmovable in a rugged or resolute sort of way. It brought to mind images of a "salty" sailor; rugged, hard-working, tough... I am pretty sure that the young person had meant something more like she would get mean and nasty back.

Salt is good in the appropriate amount for the occasion. A lot of salt is needed to move a pesky ant hill. Not so much salt is needed to flavor food. Salt poured on a wound might sting; but, it helps in the healing process.

It does not hurt to be a little salty. It can be a good thing. Always full of only grace is no grace at all, as my former mentor and teacher, Dr. Karlo Keljo, often reminded me.  But, just as only grace can do damage; so can being overly salty. There are times when we must be a bit salty; resolute in speaking the truth for the love and overall welfare of others. That doesn't require being nasty. It requires grace seasoned a bit with salt.

May God grant us the wisdom to know how much salt we should or should not use to season our conversations with others.

Be kind and if you really can't then walk away.

And... may the peace of the Lord be with you all! - Pr. J.

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