Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Live In Community; Live In The Light

Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. 
                                                                                               (Luke 1:78-80 KJV)

When my grandchildren were young they loved the darkness. I hope that this is no longer true. They stayed in their rooms with the curtains pulled shut. Usually, the only light in the room was from  their television sets or their cell phones. They could be pretty gloomy children at times. They claimed that they were bored a lot! The darkness will do that to you. Staying alone in the darkness for too long will definitely bring about sorrowful and depressing times. 

When God created Adam He decided that Adam needed someone to share life with so He created Eve. They had children. Adam was no longer alone. They were no longer alone. Isolating oneself in the darkness is not a good plan. Of course, we don't need people around us all of the time. But, He created community for a purpose; for a good purpose. Community and light are good things!

During this viral epidemic, we were asked to stay safe; stay at home; to isolate in order to keep from spreading the virus. I think; I hope, that maybe during this time we have learned a little about safe distancing whenever we are sick; especially when we have to be near people whose immune systems are compromised. I also hope that we have learned that sitting in the darkness of your room rather than on the front porch in the light is not beneficial! And, for those who live in apartments, thankfully most states have allowed walking outside with social distancing. 

My husband and I are both senior citizens and we both have compromised immune systems. After his heart surgery in March, he stayed home for about five weeks and then could no longer stand it. He has been out on his Harley a few times and is now picking up his own prescriptions and doing a few of the essential errands. We both walk every day. I have not experienced much change in my life during this time; except that maybe I was running more errands than usual. Finding household paper supplies cost me quite a few hours in the stores!  I wear a mask for all of the appointments and shopping that I do. I do not wear it because I am worried about me getting sick and dying. Rather, it is because I am concerned that I may pick up something in stores or hospitals and spread it to others without realizing it. Amazingly and thanks be to God, neither my husband or myself have even had so much as a slight cold this winter and spring.

According to St. John, "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." (John 3:19)

Sadly, I have noticed that there are some who would use the pandemic as an excuse to live in the darkness; and to truly self-isolate even way beyond any guidelines that have been set forth by the government. This living isolated in the darkness is not a healthy way to live life; not physically, not mentally, not emotionally, not spiritually.

God gave us the light. It was created before we were created. God gave us community through the gift of procreation. Yet, humanity chose to live for themselves; alone, attempting to hide in the darkness. So, He sent His Son to be a light in the world; that all who would believe in him would step out of the darkness into the marvelous light so that we might live in community; reconciled to God and to one another.

The stay safe, stay at home guidelines are being lifted; slowly but surely. We are being given the opportunity to once again get out of the darkness of our little cubicles into the marvelous world that was given to us. It is time to step out of the darkness so that together we might live and thrive in the glorious light of Christ.

God's Peace - Pr. J.

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