Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Choosing The Wrong Way

The clever see danger and hide;
but the simple go on, and suffer for it. 
(Proverbs 22:3 NRSV)

We are free to do as we please. We are free to do what is good for us as well as what is not good for us. But, we must understand that whatever it is that we choose to do there will be consequences. Every action that we take moves us forward in a specific direction. Sometimes, that direction is good for us and for the people around us. Sometimes, that direction takes us to places we would not choose to go and we suffer for it.

There is so much suffering in this world. Some, of which, we cannot avoid. Some, of which, we could avoid by going in the other direction to avoid danger; to avoid the suffering. 

A lot of our suffering and trouble could be avoided if we would but follow in the way that the Spirit of Christ shows us.

May God bless you with the wisdom to recognize and the courage to follow in His Way.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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