Thursday, February 21, 2019

Pride and Humility

Pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall.
(Prov 16:18 NRSV)

Pretty much most Christians understand how destructive pride can be. Christians strive to avoid it or at least strive to cover their pride with a sort of humility. But, that humility in itself often belies our pride. False humility can be pretty transparent. When a person is consistently bowing to others and sweet talking them it can be pretty nauseating. When a person is constantly apologizing and begging forgiveness without ever changing the way that they say things; the way that they do things; or the way that they treat others, it is usually pretty apparent that they are only apologizing to feign humility in order to appear innocent of being arrogant. Humility is sometimes feigned to cover the fact that what a person does is actually to serve themselves and not others. Humility is sometimes feigned in order to cover one's pride.

Be careful, for this pride; this feigned humility; this haughtiness, may be hidden from our brothers and sisters in Christ for awhile; but, it cannot be hidden from the Lord. Pride will be the wall that we build between ourselves and the Lord. Pride will be our destruction. It will cause us to fall.

May God help us all to recognize what is genuine humility and what is pride within ourselves. 

God's Peace - Pr. J.

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