Wednesday, February 6, 2019


One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys. (Prov 18:9 NIV)

I and many others (but, not all) of my generation were taught by our parents to put our all into the work that we do. Whether we volunteered or were hired to do a job, it was about integrity and honor; it was a lot about keeping a good name. 

Today, I do not get to witness that integrity in the work place so much. There is often no loyalty to the one who has hired you. It is just a job after all; something necessary to help you to exist in this world. Why, one might wonder, should I do a great job at something when a good enough job will get me by? To do a "just so" job; to not even attempt to complete it to the expectations of the one we are serving, is the same as stealing from them. We are stealing our wages when we do not work for it; but, sit around thinking of ways to get out of doing everything we are asked to the best of our ability. We are destroying their livelihoods while we sit around and steal ours. 

The same goes not just for the business world; but, for the church and any other charitable non-profit as well. Whether we are employed and drawing a wage or volunteering and garnering recognition do it for the love of God and for the love of others, not half-heartedly because it is an obligation that you have made. 

But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. (1 Sam 12:24)

I was taught and taught my sons that work is such a part of our lives that we should enjoy it. We ought to put our whole hearts into what we do, so that we might our whole lives lives most fully. From what I see of the way my sons work, they both learned that lesson well.

May the work of your hands be blessed, as well.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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