Thursday, February 6, 2020

Where Is The Abundant Life?

He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour. (Prov 21:21 KJV)

Where do we find life and not just life but abundant life? Where do we find righteousness? Where is the honor? In all of my years, I know of only one place. That place is in Jesus the Christ. That place is in his Kingdom.

If you are looking for these things to come from the world, you are looking in the wrong place. The normal direction we go in when we travel by any means is forward. Sometimes, we might have to back up or go sideways around an obstacle. But, in order to reach our goals we focus on what is in front of us. 

If our focus is on revenge or justifying ourselves or getting ahead of someone else we are seeking things that will not move us forward. We are seeking things that will not add to our life.  We are not seeking anything honorable. They will distract and detract. 

Those who follow righteousness and mercy will know abundant life. They will know mercy. "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." (Matt 5:7)

In the end it all depends on what you are looking for in life. Do you want abundant life? The genuine abundant life (and I don't mean silver and gold) is found only in the Kingdom of God through Jesus the Christ our Savior and Lord. 

Jesus advises us: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt 6:33)

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